Steam Boiler Capacity Calculation for Dairy Factory
Dairy products have gradually become the necessities of people's lives all over the world. In recent years, the output of raw milk, dairy products, annual gross output value and the number of enterprises above the scale have increased substantially. Steam boiler is an indispensable equipment in dairy factory. So, how to choose a suitable steam boiler for a dairy factory, and how to calculate industrial boiler capacity for dairy factory?
It is common to express the output of fire tube and water tube steam boilers in Boiler Horsepower, MBTU or in Pounds of Steam delivered per hour.
W = (hg - hf) m
W = boiler capacity (Btu/h)
hg = enthalpy steam (Btu/lb)
hf = enthalpy condensate (Btu/lb)
m = steam evaporated (lb/h)
Calculate the boiler capacity for example:
Boiler capacity = Burner capacity * efficiency
Example: efficiency = 95% & Burner capacity =11,110 kW.
boiler capacity =11,110 kW * 0.95
~=10,500 kW
In order to ensure the stability of steam supply and the economic benefits of enterprises, ZBG tailored solutions for dairy manufacturing industry to help enterprises achieve gorgeous transformation. If you want to calculate the specific steam boiler capacity for dairy factory, please contact our online customer service.