3mw Wood Fired Boiler Fuel Consumption Calculation
A few days ago, some customers consulted 3mw wood boiler fuel consumption. What is wood fired boiler? how to calculate wood boiler fuel consumption?
As we know, biomass has been a primary source of energy for many years, used for domestic heating, steam supply, hot water supply and industrial cogeneration. Wood fired boiler also creates local jobs in planting, harvesting, transporting and processing wood, while creating a high value use of the wood residual. Wood fuel is a competitive source of heat compared to most fossil fuels such as oil, and even natural gas when looking in the long to medium term. It has the potential to offer end-users affordable energy that to some extent can be insulated from increases in fossil fuel prices. It also has perhaps the lowest cost of all renewable energy technologies. Main types of wood fuel are: wood pellets, wood chips and logs.
About 3MW wood fired boiler fuel consumption calculation, 3MW wood fired boiler, that is a 21 tons boiler, calculated as follows:
Biomass consumption per hour of biomass boiler =60 million kcal * 21 / fuel calorific value / boiler combustion efficiency
Therefore, fuel calorific value and boiler efficiency are different, and fuel consumption per hour is also different. The specific numerical value is calculated according to the specific situation.
More information about 3mw wood fired boiler fuel calculation, please consult our online customer service.