The Methods to Improve Boiler Efficiency
Improve boiler efficiency methods
Step # 1. Combustion and Waste Heat Recovery System:
(1) Monitor and compare the boiler performance related data to standard targets regularly.
(2) Monitor the flue gas combustibles and the combustion excess air regularly. Adjust as conditions change. Operating your boiler with an optimum amount of excess air will minimize heat loss up the stack and improve combustion efficiency.
(3) Check for and eliminate the entrance of unwanted air into the boiler and flue gas exhaust system.
(4) Keep burners adjusted to optimum efficiency. Establish a burner maintenance schedule. Inspect and replace fault burners.
(5) Check all the control settings regularly. Fit controls with locks to prevent tampering and unauthorized adjustment.
(6) Maintain the best operating condition of air and fuel controls.
(7) Inspect the fireside and waterside heat transfer surfaces when the boiler plant is shut down; keep the surfaces clean. Ensure that fireside anti-fouling equipment works properly.
(8) Use continuous oxygen monitors and operator adjustments to minimize excess air level. Use continuous oxygen trim to automatically minimize excess air level.
Step # 2. Feed Water, Condensate and Blow Down Management System:
(1) Return a greater percentage of condensate to boiler
(2) Use condensate monitors to check the contaminants and quality of return water
(3) Use of economizers to preheat boiler feed water
(4) Maintain good steam quality with a program of regular water chemical treatment and the blow down regime.
(5) Evaluate de-aerating system to ensure maximum operating efficiency.
Step # 3. Steam and Condensate System Management:
(1) Rationalize and streamline the steam and condensate network.
(2) Return more condensate to boiler system. Consider installing a system for closed-loop pressurized condensate return.
(3) Identify steam/condensate leakages and correct the problem.
(4) Repair insulation on steam and condensate lines. Add insulation where it is inadequate. Evaluate the economics of upgrading or adding more insulation on current energy cost trends.
(5) Review whether the steam and steam condensate recovery network (and heating coils and other steam-using equipment) has proper drainage. It will eliminate water hammer, losses and damage.
(6) Shut down the steam and condensate branch system when it is not needed. Plug all obsolete, unused and redundant piping.
Step # 4. Steam Generation Management:
(1) Add measuring, metering and monitoring equipment to the boiler and heat distribution systems for fuel, steam, heating fluid, condensate and blow down flows.
(2) Try to stabilize heating demand. To do this, review the schedule for process demand. This will minimize boiler load swings and maximize boiler efficiencies. Try to operate boilers at full load.
(3) Operate steam generator at proper cycles of concentration to control blow down losses
(4) Minimize blow down losses by operating at maximum cycles of concentration with automatic blow down control.
(5) Repair lost steam generating tubes, baffles and refractory to improve overall efficiency.