Any question, please contact us for free. Phone number: +86-371-86686767 Skype: zgboiler
ModelCirculating fluidized bed boiler
Capacity30 ton
ApplicationTaiwan Sugar-scane company
Equipment needed:Circular bed Boiler 30 t/h
Number: 1 set
Company:Vietnam – Taiwan Sugar-scane company
Application Site:Thach Thanh Dist. – Thanh Hoa Province
Scope of supply:Supply, installation, training and commissioning Circular bed Boiler 30 t/h, combine with tourbin and power generator to make power 3,2MW.
Circulating fluidized bed boiler are widely used in industries to provide large quantity of steam or hot water for production. This new technology on boiler is more efficient and energy saving than other coal fired type boiler. We have exported a 30 t/h circular bed boiler to Taiwan Sugar-scane company, a large sugar company. The company use this boiler to generate power for production, which has saved about one fourth of cost for company.
If you have any questions, please contact our Executive Manager and we will get back to you as soon as possible
Fuel:Coal, Biomass Fuel
Capacity:20-400 t/14-280 MW
Fuel:Coal, Biomass, Co-firing
Capacity:10 - 75 t/7-52.5 MW
Fuel:Coal, Biomass, Co-firing
Capacity:20-400 t/ 14-280 MW
Fuel:Coal, Biomass, Co-firing
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