Any question, please contact us for free. Phone number: +86-371-86686767 Skype: zgboiler
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Modelwaste heat boiler
Capacity120 tons
Applicationchemical industry
The 120 ton chemical waste heat boiler purchased by the large chemical industry customers to our company was applied to the 600 thousand ton / year methanol to olefin project, and the project has been put into operation in October 2017. The implementation of the project can not only meet the needs of the enterprises around the park, solve the bottleneck of the shortage of raw materials, but also improve the industrial output value of the surrounding areas.
Chemical three wastes mix combustion waste heat boiler is an ideal equipment of high efficiency and energy saving used in fertilizer and chemical (especially methanol, ethanol, methanal, synthesis ammonia).
The heating surface of the waste heat boiler produced by ZBG employs suspension structure, which is good for absorbing boiler expansion and high operation safety, and adopts special sealing device, to lower boiler air leakage and improve boiler efficiency. Reasonable arrange flue dynamic field, smooth flue gas flow, to avoid bias current and boiler convection bank adopts assembled structure, short installation period and low cost.
If you have any questions, please contact our Executive Manager and we will get back to you as soon as possible
Fuel:Chemical industry waste flue gas
Capacity:50-120 t/35-84 MW
Fuel:Hazardous waste incineration gas
Capacity:2-35 t/1.4-24.5 MW
Fuel:Sinter machine flue gas
Capacity:2-35 t/1.4-24.5 MW
Fuel:Glass furnace flue gas
Capacity:2-35 t/1.4-24.5 MW
For all inquiries, please fill in the form below (* are required) to send us a brief message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Whatsapp+86 17719888549