Why steam boiler must be cleaned regularly


Why steam boiler must be cleaned regularly

Steam boiler may grow the incrustation, corrosion and other problems after a period of operation.Boiler scale is very harmful,may lead to the explosion of the boiler.So,it is necessary to clean the steam boiler regularly.

Regular cleaning can save fuel

Because the thermal conductivity of boiler scale is only a few tenths of steel, surface fouling causes disruption of the heat transfer, in order to maintain a certain output of the boiler, it is necessary to raise the temperature of the fire-side, which causes the external radiation and exhaust heat loss.

Regular cleaning to prevent burning boiler because of overheating

With the steam boiler fouling,to maintain a certain amount of work pressure and evaporation,steam boiler must raise the temperature of the fire-side,the incrustation is thicker, the thermal conductivity is lower,and the temperature of the fire- side must be higher.

Regular cleaning to reduce maintenance costs and prevent boiler accidents

Steam boiler accidents caused by incrustation is about1/3 of the total number.Boiler accidents not only damage the equipment,but also threat the personal safety.So, in the case of qualified feedwater,boiler water should be strictly controlled to meet national standards.We should prevent the formation of incrustation in the operation,after scaling,we should clean it timely and control the quality of water.




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