How To Maintain Water Tube Boiler
During the operation of industrial water tube boilers, a regularly maintenance is essential for safe operation and for a longer service life, which can save more for industry. For example, some material such as scale, water residue will corrode boilers, decrease heating efficiency, even bring about accident. Over pressure, water shortage will damage the boiler and affect the normal operation. So we should know how to prevent and maintain the boiler in daily life.
Scale cleaning
A large quantity of scale in the tube will also affect the normal operation of water tube boilers. We can cleaning the scale use chemicals and then with machine such as hammer or shovel. All the valves and meters should be opened and cleaned carefully. When the cleaning work is over, we should ensure that the scale is cleaned thoroughly and the damaged accessories are changed, the fire proof material be kept dry, the damaged brick wall should be repaired, explosion proof door is flexible, and so on.
Blow down
A regularly blow down for water tube type boiler is needed. Discharging the slag deposit, dirt and corrosion products at the bottom of the boiler helps to reduce the furnace tube fouling and clogging and reduce the water salinity, enhance heat transfer effect. We can blow-down every eight hours and not exceed 30s every time.
Valves inspection
Safety valves work as the last line of defense for protecting the pressure vessel from over-pressure, which are the most important safety devices on the water tube boilers. Safety devices, such as pressure meter, temperature meter, automatic protective device are also should be maintain regularly.
Water level control
A higher level will increase its moisture of steam, which will effect the steam quality even damage the equipment and production. The water level should be kept in the range of 50mm higher or lower than designed value.
Shutdown period maintenance
Maintaining a industrial boiler during shutdown time is mainly to prevent boiler corrosion. Pressure method is generally used for the shorter shutdown time boiler, such as some steam boilers in industries. The pressure of boiler should be between 0.05-0.1MPa, and the temperature of boiler water should be slightly higher than 100 degrees. Gas method is generally used for the shutdown time of boiler is long. The nitrogen and ammonia are injected into the boiler from the highest point of the boiler and maintain the pressure between 0.05-0.1MPa, then the air in boiler is forced out.