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ModelCirculating fluidized bed boiler
Capacity90 ton
Applicationsteel factory
On 21st Jan, 2016, ZBG company signed a sales contract with a steel factory in Sichuang. ZG-90/3.82-M1 circulating fluided steam bed boiler for power generation. Products delivery started from April 2015. And now, the boiler is under operation.
Steel making process requirements thousands kilowatt of electric energy each day. ZG-90/3.82-M1 represents that the boiler capacity is 90 ton per hour, and boiler pressure is 3.82 Mpa. Now, this cfb boiler is in its service.
Modern steelmaking processes can be broken into two categories: primary and secondary steelmaking. Primary steelmaking involves converting liquid iron from a blast furnace and steel scrap into steel via basic oxygen steelmaking or melting scrap steel and/or direct reduced iron in an electric arc furnace. Secondary steelmaking involves refining of the crude steel before casting and the various operations are normally carried out in ladles. In secondary metallurgy, alloying agents are added, dissolved gases in the steel are lowered, and inclusions are removed or altered chemically to ensure that high-quality steel is produced after casting.
For further information about our industrial boilers and autoclaves, you can talk with our consumer service online.
If you have any questions, please contact our Executive Manager and we will get back to you as soon as possible
Fuel:Coal, Biomass Fuel
Capacity:20-400 t/14-280 MW
Fuel:Coal, Biomass, Co-firing
Capacity:10 - 75 t/7-52.5 MW
Fuel:Coal, Biomass, Co-firing
Fuel:Coal, Biomass, Co-firing
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