Any question, please contact us for free. Phone number: +86-371-86686767 Skype: zgboiler
ModelWNS oil fired boiler
ApplicationFood Industry
Rated thermal power: 5.6MW
Rated water pressure: 1.0 MPa
Rated outlet water temperature: 115 ℃
Rated inlet water temperature 70 ℃
Design efficiency: 92%
Design fuel: heavy oil
WNS series Oil Fired Boilers of our company have reached the first-rated level of the world in the key technical aspect. We adopted German technology and won the bid of world bank GEF efficient and environmentally friendly boiler sub-project. Imported burner, automatic operation, which save cost and increase the profits for customers. Low failure, low maintenance rate, high efficiency won the praise of customers from all over the world.
In order to meet the demand of production, the former old boiler of the enterprise which produce less energy with more fuels should be altered. In this case, the food factory ordered WNS5.6-1.0/115/70-Y Oil fired hot water boiler from ZG Boiler, and we transport and install the boiler in time. The boiler is running very well at present, which saves the cost of the factory.
If you have any questions, please contact our Executive Manager and we will get back to you as soon as possible
Fuel:Natural Gas,Biogas,Light Oil,Diesel Oil
Fuel:Natural gas,Biogas,Light Oil,Heavy Oil
Capacity:20-130 t/14-91 MW
Fuel:Natural Gas,Biogas,Heavy Oil,Light Oil
Capacity:4-90 t /2.8-63 MW
For all inquiries, please fill in the form below (* are required) to send us a brief message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Whatsapp+86 17719888549